Scott Pilgrim v. the World - he gets into my head

It's taken me a few days to write about this. Everyone's writing about this...and before me. But this movie truly deserves it. I guarantee it's a future cult classic. Not just for the painstakingly awesome 90's adolescence reference details, but for it's quickness, great actors (both unknown and well known in every little part), perfect Legend of Zelda reminiscent background music, Crouching Tiger fight scenes and most especially for the rock. The pure rock and roll attitude of the whole film. This movie was brilliant. This movie was about my love life. My past loves and all the evil exes and others evil exes and just perfect for kids who came of age in the 90's. Scott Pilgrim v. the World is definitely the bob-omb.

Oh, and for extra game points you can check out my Scott Pilgrim avatar (or create your own)


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