Red is the my new blonde

You know how I like to do things to change my appearance on a sporadic basis? I dyed my hair yesterday (yay!)...or Amber Osmond did at Images Salon anyway.

I took some pictures this morning to show you the new me. However, though it appears that I may have actually gone back to brunette, I am actually a red head. My camera phone just couldn't seem to capture the true color. So picture me exactly as you see me here, but a lot redder.

Yep that's me, Sarah Buhr, Sarah Jane Buhr, SJ (checking to see if these images come up on Google)


$teve said…
Lookin' good... :)
Unknown said…
At least Steve thinks I look good in for the rest of you three readers of my blog, we know not.
Scully said…
Welcome to the club. Hope you are prepared for the up keep. Even with a good color-safe shampoo reds fade fast. And I read, I just rarely have time to comment!
Unknown said…
Scully! Ya, my stylist told me I'd probably have to come back in a couple weeks and re-dye just to keep it since I was a blonde before. Thanks for checking here. That's so cool.
Steve said…
This Steve prefers the blonde, but maybe that is just b/c I can get red at home. :)

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