Gym Class Heroes

This isn't about gym class or heroes, but it is about the gym.

Last night I went to my local gym. I admit to not going on a regular basis so the guy who checked me in noticed I still hadn't taken my complimentary personal training session. He immediately started telling me why it was so important to find out my body fat percentage and burn fat faster, and besides, he said, it's free. Okay, I might as well, right? Next thing I know Suzy Q trainers making me hold out a fat counter and charging me around the gym. I even got high-fived after every workout routine she had me do. Then came the sales pitch. I need her personal training expertise at least twice a week. that's 40 bucks a pop, so basically 80 bucks a week. ummm, no thanks. But she wouldn't budge. In her mind I needed her, I couldn't do it without her, but she was willing to let me off with the minimum of twice a month. How kind, only 80 bucks a month. Wow. I still told her no way. She insisted. I was sick of telling her no so I said I'd think about it (which was a polite way of saying I've told you no, you won't stop talking so I'm just going to tell you no in a way that might get me away from an already awkward situation). So she told me I could think about it on our next appointment and then put my name down in her book. I rolled my eyes and left. Fine if she wants to waste her own time by not taking no for an answer. The thing is I didn't even need the training session, hell if I was going to sign up for more, especially ones that cost money. Why do gyms insist on doing this to their customers? It just makes you feel uncomfortable. I just want to workout, not endure some sales pitch.


B. said…
So frustrating! Gyms are such a scam. Gyms and Cell-phone companies.

I avoid the whole thing by working out at home with a medicine ball.
B. said…
So, um, if you need a hard copy of your blog I have one right here.

I was viewing your blog and then saw the little printer icon pop-up and I was like "Que pasa? I'm not printing anything." Then I realized I had somehow printed the whole thing so I had to sprint to the printer to grab it before some manager-type got to it.

It'll probably end up in the recycle bin.
Unknown said…
WHAT? Well, I guess it's not that bad...I mean I am an amazing writer after all.

btw-I think your blog made me fall in love with you.
Matsby said…
You see, this is why I don't go to the gym...

First, I don't want to do any kind of physical labor. And second, I don't want to have to endure a sales pitch. It's a lose/lose situation when you make the decision to leave the couch.
Unknown said…
good point...but now with all the reruns out I have to do something and it might as well be making myself hotter slash blasting off the cellulite.
El Jefe said…
They pulled that stunt with me at my old gym 24 HOUR FITNESS! I told them I could barley afford their gym 24 HOUR Fitness as is. That's why I stopped going to 24 HOUR FITNESS because they were scam artists. That's why I am looking for a new gym, NO 24 HOUR FITNESS!

B. said…
SJ - Can't really blame you. I mean, I am pretty great.

Truth is the whole reason I started my blog was to make people fall in love with me, so I'll be walking with a noticable spring in my step this weekend. Thank you.

Jefe - I'm telling you, a medicine ball is all you need. Maybe also a jumprope.
Unknown said…
And Gold's gym. We can hang out in the sauna. Have those deep and meaningful talks people have when they sweat together...and comment on the other dudes with all those tatoos.
Lee said…
B.- I've loved you since before your blog. Walk around with a spring for that.
B. said…
Oh Lee. Did you ever know that you're my hero?
El Jefe said…
B. I think I will try the medicine ball work out. Better than working out next to dudes who are still getting tribal tattoos. Seriously, who does that?
Unknown said…
Orrr, we could try the slim in 6 routine. I was very tempted to buy it from an infomercial this weekend. I've never bought something from one of those things before, but that one was pretty convincing. I mean aside from the wild claims of losing 10 pounds in 10 days...but still, I want to believe
El Jefe said…
What does it do?
Unknown said…
Apparently it slims you down to your perfect body in only six weeks. But you have to follow the videos and eat the diet it recommends.
Unknown said…
Amen to everything you said in this post! A trainer probably would be good, but no one likes to be followed around, told what to do, have someone inspect if they look fatter or thinner, and have to pay for it! Excersing is so personal, I love to go to the gym, but I also love to be anonymous there!
Steve said…
The gym is there to make money, that is what they are doing. There are usually county gyms or the Y if you want to work out with no sales pitch.

In general, most trainers are ok, some amazing. Most people work out incorrectly and waste valuable time and energy focusing on the wrong type of exercises for their goals. IE the girl that needs to lose 10 lbs and does situps for 20 mintues instead of doing 20 extra minutes of cardio.

I'm not a personal trainer, I just play one on tv.

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