
Ever just want your mom? I'm 28 already, but today, all I really wanted was my mom. I'm sick, really under the weather. Went to the doctor, thought it was strep. They said the test is clear, it's not strep, though I have all the symptoms of strep (103 fever, sore throat, swollen glands, headache, ear ache, skin ache). So they're running a culture test just to be sure. I'll know in two days. In the meantime it's rest, Ibuprofen, and plenty of liquids. Mom used to make me peppermint tea when I was sick and then let me lay on her lap and we'd watch movies, girl movies, series like Anne of Green Gables or Pride and Predjudice. B let me lay on his lap last night as he played Halo. Don't ask how we got back together or even what we are at this point cuz I couldn't tell you. But he was the one who got me sick. It was nice just laying on his lap and once in a while he stroked my hair...but the noises of Halo, the guns, the violence, and he had to shift sometimes and there were lots of loud guys trading snide remarks... it wasn't the same. It woulda been nice to have my mom.


Dainon. said…
Awwww. Get better soon. It's too nice outside to be sickly, after all.
Unknown said…
it's practically criminal
Unknown said…
Oh, maybe I am just sentimental today but that blog made me want my mom too!
Unknown said…
ya, but having said that, B's lap is pretty nice to lay on...just not with the loud guys in the background. I couldn't decide if I wanted him to come over while I was really sick. I missed him, but I needed my rest, too. So I didn't call. Strangely, neither did he, not even to check on me...hmmm. Then again, it could just be a guy thing.
Unknown said…
erinannie said…
I feel your pain. I'm going on week 3 with a mystery virus. My mom lives an hour away, but I've managed to go down there just so she'll watch girl movies and make me smoothies.
Good blog.
Unknown said…
grazi...doesn't that word look like graze-y? but it's not...those Italians!

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