I admit to getting a bit lazy with these blogs. I've come to the realization that it's due to a tumultuous and sordid romance and the fact that right around Christmas my brain can only handle so much. Truth hurts. But, just for my loyal fans, here's one from The Onion

Thousands More Dead in Continuing Iraq Victory


Anonymous said…
romance?!? Romance is blog worthy. :)
Joy said…
whoa, you lost me at sordid and tumultuous romance.
Unknown said…
everyone always wants the romance story. there are too many certain readers of my blog to make the details public...email me.
Unknown said…
it's especially tricky when your mom and co-workers discover you have a blog

love you all, you know I do, he,he
seth said…
yeah, you need a private blog. i am thinking of doing one, it would probably kill my current project though. btw, i mistakenly deleted your comment on mine...and it might have said 'maybe you will find out...' but i can't remember now...rats
mj said…
yes romance tends to take over everything else. sometimes you don't recognize yourself. i'll have to hear about this . . .

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