Portland or Bust

These are pictures of a spur-of-the-moment trip to Portland with my roommates and some other friends.
It starts with a jazz club (we did other stuff earlier: hospitol for kids with cancer, temple trip, huge bookstore about 12 stories or something like that, wandered downtown). The pictures start with the geriatric jazz club. Not much here, but aren't me and my roommates cute?
This is also where I met Bareback Jack. Angie's sorta friend who is a bareback bull rider on the rodeo circuit. He had the best stories about dating a rodeo queen and starving for three days and being on a bus and his former fiance who knows Justin Timberlake-so good I don't even believe them, but he sure was fun.

Then we went to the beach. This is me pretending to eat seaweed, David checking out the barnacles on a rock (it was his first time to the ocean), and me and my roommate Jenn after it rained and hailed on us pretty hard and we all had to run back to the van sopping wet.


Panini said…
How FUN!! Even when the beach is cold, it's so exhilarating!! What a great spur-of-the-moment trip. I need me one of those.
Anonymous said…
so humanly nice

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