I've gorged myself to death on sugar spun confections today. It was a report/tour of the Sweets Candy Factory - the largest salt water taffy maker in the world. They loaded me up with some tasty swag after the interview. So far I'm high and jittery on sugar coursing through my veins and have a slight headache. But I took cool pictures and that's what really counts. The swirly photo is of the actual machine that churns the taffy. the modular space-age looking things are where they make jelly beans. Did you know it takes a whole week just to make one of those suckers?


Joy said…
I can't tell you how jealous I am of your visit. Very, very cool.
Anonymous said…
Maybe you should go to the candy cane factory for Christmas :). I always wanted to do that tour.

I have new found respect for the jelly bean now that I know it takes a week to make one.
Unknown said…
One week to make a jelly bean and one week to work one off probably too! jk. What cool photos they are almost space-age looking! Fun job you have to get to go to those fun places!
Panini said…
YUM! lucky duck
(p.s. where did that phrase come? why are ducks the only lucky animals?)
Unknown said…
according to phrase finder it survives based on the rhyme. Luck is the important element, duck is thrown in for rhyming emphasis


and that would be your lesson for the day...

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