Spring Fever/ Wanna Talk About You

It's Friday (yeah!). I've been getting 5 to 6 hours of sleep without naps all week and I'm ready to crash for the weekend. I've also been getting the early garden fever. There's already an alfafa sprout operation going on in my kitchen and I've been checking local garden stores to see when they'll be bringing in the bulbs for early spring planting. Tulips, daffodils, lilies. I don't know if I'll plant everything I want to, or exactly how to organize my garden (this is a new thing for me and it's one of those "I challenge myself to be responsible and water the plants" endeavors), but I've got a zing just dreaming about how it might look come May.

In the post below I mentioned my personality on both the Meiers Briggs Kiersey Temperment test (based on Jungian psychology) and the Color test and I got to wondering what all my other blogsters are. I'm betting the majority of my friends on the East Coast are brainy NT types, almost all my roommates were "rules are rules" SJ's, and that my current roommates are both creative/imaginative NF's like me. But I'm curious. So please take this test and let me know who you really are.

*Warning, the link above will give a test that costs $14.95 to get results from. If you think that's fine and want to know more about yourself please take it. But if anyone reading this knows of a free test please tell me so y'all can take that one instead.


Mark J. said…
This was a good test. I took it awhile ago and was mostly an Guardian/Artisan with a bit of the rest in there as well. With the variety of titles they offered, I felt like I should set up a guild in one of those on-line role-playing game. But then I'd have to start playing videogames.

Nice blog, by the way.
Unknown said…
I'm gonna take the test now and see what I am, I'll let you know. Also, props on the garden/flower idea. I have a really hard time keeping plants alive! Dafodils will look gorgeous though!
Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
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Unknown said…
I'm a Gaurdian, according to that test...
Unknown said…
Wait, is it not the Meiers-Briggs Test? I'm going to have to find out where that one is online because that one is more thorough and breaks people's personalities down a little more. There is some debate about putting people into boxes like that, but the test is about a general personality and does help the community understand each other better

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