I Guess It's Just What I Needed

Don't know what you need? Just Google it. I typed in "Sarah needs" and found I apparently need a root canal, to set up my experiment and learn how laws are made, some self-esteem, and to start dating again.


Joy said…
This is always a good time.

Unknown said…
LOL. I need all of those things too, I should look myself up too...ah, the power of the Internet! :)
Panini said…
What a relief we have things like google to help us lead good lives.
Anonymous said…
SJ I dig your headlines. The Cars are so playing in my head right now. I liked the Son Volt ref. a while back too.
Unknown said…
Have you any wisdom to pass on to us? I need the dating advice..and the.....
Unknown said…
Krystal (aka "Esperanza")-you apparently need proof...and you need to cover up. According to the Tomahawk elite dance club, you also need a crash helmet because you suffered the most accidents at camp.

Krystal needs
Unknown said…
Thanks MJ, life circumstances are so easily related through song.

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