My "Situation"

So I'm in this class to finish up my second Bachelor degree (in Anthropology). There's this guy in the class. His every comment tends to be about some aspect of the gospel, his version of the gospel. And it's embarrassing. Sometimes, many times, it doesn't really relate to the subject we're discussing. He likes to talk to me after class. He says he likes that I speak up. It's a small class and I never gave shutting up a second thought, as long as I have something somewhat intelligent to add, or some pertinent question to ask. But I'm pretty sure other students add just as much. The thing is he's married, and I wasn't sure why he kept singling me out.

So yesterday he seems really excited at the beginning of class. He tells me he has really good news for me. Mmmm, okay. I tell him let's talk after (class was about to begin). So after class he starts saying he ran into this guy at the gym last night who is a friend of a friend and guess what?...It turns out he's single. Mmm, okay. So he tells me he explained to this guy my "situation" and that this guy has agreed to go out with me on a blind date. Ummm...I tell him I am confused by "situation", and that I'm perfectly capable of finding my own guy, and that it's not really big news to run into another single Mormon guy in Provo, Utah. Thanks but no thanks, this sounds weird. Well, the married guy is pretty determined and tells me he'll be the go between if I just tell him my schedule. So I say here's the number to my office, have this guy give me a call and I'll decide if I go out with him. p.s. Single and Woman is not a situation.

Only in Utah County...


Panini said…
no way! That's unbelievable!! The nerve...and hilarious! :-) hehee
Anonymous said…
Unknown said…
AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! And just because the two of you are single, that is why you would be perfect together...seems to be the going philosophy around here!
Missy said…
I am flabbergasted! I know guys can be extremely insensitive and dense but that goes way beyond any expectation of the "stupid guy" syndrome I have ever hear of.

By the way, you handled that nicely...I might not have been so, how would you say, dimplomatic about it.
Joy said…
ah, utah county.
Anonymous said…
another funny story that this reminds me of is erin getting asked out by her mechanic. you should ask her about it. are you still coming east btw?
Unknown said…
You have no idea how my heart pains for want of Eastness. I've been waiting for good airfare, and trying to decide if I want to go to London. Airfare is good for New York always -we have Jetblue here, but no so much for DC that I've seen so far. I even asked Seth about Boston, but he tells me the weather is crappy. I know you've been to NY like 23 times already, but wanna go? I mean, let's face it, I'm really going East for my friends and it wouldn't be the same without you.
Anonymous said…
Who is this "Seth" kid anyway?
Unknown said…
Seth, how do I explain him? He's this purposely obscure guy I know. Totally opposite of you. In fact, I'm not sure you two should ever be in the same room together. It'd just be... very confusing.
ProvoBoy said…
How come I agree with your classmate???
Unknown said…
Provoboy, I am afraid you have just discovered something that is going to shatter your world as you know it.
Anonymous said…
So this weekend when my mom started talking about "people in your age and situation in life," should I have been offended? Apparently people in my situation get to socialize a lot without my mom thinking it's bad, so life could be worse.
Unknown said…
I like your mom. How does she feel about "guests" in my situation (young, single, and wanting to go to Boston)?

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