Good News for People Who Love Good News

So I'm done with the morning news shift this week. I was filling in for my boss while she went to Idaho. She'll be back next week so no more waking up at 4:30 in the AM(for a little while at least). I've taken to wearing whatever I grab from the closet and not caring about makeup. Ah, the exhilirating feeling of knowing everyone understands why you look like crap!

I almost slept past my first cast on Thursday (thank you good roommate, and yes I did go out and actually get an alarm clock after work yesterday. I vowed to get one instead of relying on my cell phone from now on), but all in all I think I'm getting better.

It's live so I've been a bit nervous, but I've started to get used to it and some listeners have emailed to tell me I might actually be good someday. What are they trying to say? The best part of today, though, would be leaving at 1:30.

Also, I bought a great white pumpkin at Target. I put it on top of my kitchen table and it looks like something out of a fairytale.


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