With a Little Help From My Friends: Friends Letters That Followed Letter Announcing My Decision to Move Back West


dude. good for you making a decision like that. i know DC has its allure. but none of us can stay here forever, i suppose. i'm certain i will just be absolutely done wearing so much black one day and probably head west myself (i still kinda miss colorado; it was awful homey). i'll miss you but you totally have to keep me updated on your future brilliant career, and of course your finding of a non-mother's-basement dweller to kill some time with. you're still coming this weekend, right? you can totally hitch a ride with me and the other thursday nighters . . . it will be fun and--i guess--kind of a fond farewell, eh?

we always have our guest room ya know.
i love you, kiddo.


Married Friend Jon Writes Back:

That's crazy, good luck. Is Utah your final destination or what? Haven't heard from you in a long time, thought you were just avoiding me cause you didn't want to buy that car ;), it sold. That's a long drive, like 2500 miles on the most direct route off of I-70. So you gonna do a master's or doctorate program, or work for a paper there? If paper, you seem like a 'Trib' girl. :) Later.

NPR Editor Ken Rudin Writes Back:

This is very sad news ...
I"m glad I'm on your friends list, not glad you are leaving.

Musician Chris Davies Writes Back:

I'll really miss you Sarah Jane! I thought you were here for good, so this is a real shock. Well, I wish you the best in Utah, and I hope we can hang out a few times before you leave. Thanks for the memories! Chris

Miss Manda Panda (and Chris's gf) writes back,

Sarah Jane!!!
I will miss you so so much, but I can't blame you for leaving, heck I did it. But radom trips to SLC I'm sure I'll run into you again at the movies (member that one time) Anyhow, I love you, I wish only the best and can we say PARTY TIME! Big time party coming your way.
Miss you already,
Amanda Panda

Future famous baby doctor, Tammy Richards writes back:


I am glad to know that you have reached a decision. I hope that you feel peace and comfort about going and doing what it is you need to do. And oh, how you will be missed! Well...I will chat at you later. I would love to talk to you. Thanks for being a great friend and example to me. I will always cherish fond fizzy and fluffy memories of you!


Mejkin writes:

will miss you!!!!!!!! let me know if you need any help.

Mir-maid writes:

AGH!! We knew it was coming sometime, but maaaaaaaaannnnn...that so stinks, Sarah!! Agh, I will miss you!! And visit you of course, but agh -- will miss you!! May 1 is soon too! Well, yes, we will indeed have a party....oh yes....
So what are you doing these days until then??

Ben Mack Writes:

You will be missed! Best of luck as you prepare for Zion. Hey, let me know when your big party is -- definitely don't want to miss that. -Ben

Maria Bettinson Writes Back:

I'm probably one of the few people (ouside of your family) who will respond to this with a "I'm so happy!"

By the way... I'm so HAPPY! It's be so AWESOME to have you back!
Sorry, gotta run - just time for a quickie.

- Maria

p.s. Still thinking about grad school?


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