Sunday Dinner

Threw a big dinner last night. Served a feast of Moroccan Chicken. The smoke from the simmering chicken got a little out of control and filled the whole house. My guests were forced to open windows and doors. I'd never made it before (gulp) but, other than the cloud that descended upon us, it was pretty good.

Sixteen friends and neighbors showed. It was the biggest dinner I've ever done. Too bad Lisa didn't come. She's a friend from way back to the wonder years; in town from New York. She's visiting her ex-boyfriend slash determined to make him her fiancee again. She said maybe she'll come but wasn't sure. It's dinner and I had to plan so I was a bit miffed. She has a Tony and a Broadway career and a "maybe" will be her fiancee now. Everyone seems to be beneath her graces these days.

It was good company anyway. D was her usual charming self. Friendly with the fellas. None of them seemed too mesmerized at the time. Predictable. Most of my guy friends are a bit clueless and unpolished. This is why they are friends and not lovers. But then, most of my friends are guys. You know that book, Urban Tribes, about how our friend groups are replacing our need for a traditional family and about how people are getting married later these days or never settling down because they just hang out with their friends and never meet anyone new? Well, I've got my own little urban tribe.

Although I admit a few of these friends of mine have turned my head before, especially when they open the door for me or offer their help.

Don't know what I would have done without MJ's help in the kitchen. She was my right hand man last night. She stayed near Tobias most of the time. Offered him a ride home. And he reluctantly accepted. A not-so-surprising pattern. It's a girl loves guy, guy enamored with every girl but the girl who wants him story.

Quixote came, he told me he sees me in a whole new way now. I laughed it off. I don't think I could ever take him seriously. Mr. Secrets also showed. I go through phases where I think I could like him. He'll send me messages he's interested. But his way of doing that is to call and tell me I could make dinner for him if I want to, but he won't actually ask me out. Is he into me or just think of me as his ticket to the social scene? In any case there are boys who do know how to show their affection. Mr. Secrets is hot, but it's not enough for full infatuation. Sigh.

Everyone seemed to have a good time and told me they really liked the food. Other than the chicken getting very smoky and filling the whole house and some metal measuring spoons slipping down the drain and ruining the disposal, I'd say the dinner went well. Overplanning means I've got a ton of chicken left and I'll be spending a good majority of the day cleaning up the hurricane that seems to have hit my kitchen. But I am glad of it, that I could cook for my friends, that we could be brought together. What are the great pleasures of life but having good food, and sharing in the good friendship of others?


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