
Okay, confession. I am trying to learn the meaning of all sorts of new words. Both for my own knowledge, and because I'm supposedly studying for the GRE's and want as near perfect a score as I can get. I used to think I had a fairly good lexicon, but it's not nearly as good as it could be. That's why I love reading, and love reading from those who know how to use their words. It teaches me so much.It's kind of like music.

I thought I was pretty hip to indy. I mostly knew of new, good-sound bands, bands most of the people I know had never heard of. I could always play my favorite songs and give references that nobody understood. I delighted in my own special secret. It's stupid, but I did. My musical education came from many hours at the music store, buying a few risks, High Fidelity, and Napster. Especially from Napster.

Now I have some very hip friends whose musical erudition far exceeds mine. I feel so helpless next to them. And then when I've found a new band I really, really like, even suburbial teens decked in Abercrombie have heard of it. I was just in Chipotle. Music on the overhead played "New Slang" from The Shins. Even fast food restaurants play The Shins. They're a great band, but now it's all so commercial.

Oh the travesty of being a hipster!


Anonymous said…
yeah dude. i heard an interview with the shins once where they discussed how some mcdonald's marketing dude, who was apparently a fan, got them to use 'new slang' in one of their commercials (this is documented but i couldn't find the original source so i'm not gonna bother linking to it) which is especially funny since there's that enigmatic line about 'dirt in your fries'. shins fans are really loyal, by the way. so being that mcdonald's owns chipotle it makes sense. aren't you glad i read your blog, sj?
Unknown said…
Yes, yes I am.

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