My Book of Influence 2011

There are a lot of books good for reading out in the world, but just a few have had an impact on me this year.

The one I would highly recommend to anyone (and one which could actually change the world for the better) is The Gentle Art of Blessing.

My paper copy is currently tucked away in a cold, dark storage unit in Salt Lake but man was it profound. I laughed, cried and healed through this book. It was written by a Swiss school administrator, Pierre Pradervand. He'd suffered a blow and was very bitter about his life circumstances, concentrating on hating those he felt had done him so much wrong when it clicked. Bless them that hate you and spitefully use you, and bless them that need you and bless those in trouble and those in need, in health and wealth and peace. Bless the world. Go about blessing and it is magical the things that will happen. It's a beautiful book and the one I recommend out of this year.


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