One really good thing that happened this summer

I lost weight. I have now lost a total of 12.5 pounds, bringing me down to 127.5 :)

I didn't do it through a diet fad or a trainer or anything. I did it by eating fewer calories and walking everywhere. The moving all my stuff part helped as well...and sweating a lot in the place I'm staying (there's no air conditioning) so I guess I'm also drinking a lot more water. Really, it is something I've wanted to do for a while and I'm finally dropping the weight by the simplist means of eating less and exercising more.

The only thing is I don't feel that different. I can see it in my face but I think I look pretty much the same, just healthier.

I'm 5'4" so I could stand to lose a little bit more but 127.5 isn't bad.


Steve said…
Nice. I knew you could do it and it WAS as simple as calories in, calories out. :) But you can't talk "before and after" without adequate pics! C'mon now! haha.
Unknown said…
I'll have to get someone to take pics for me. I'm no bueno at doing that.
Unknown said…
Plus, I don't know if I look that different. Only way I can tell is the scale says I've lost the weight and my clothes are loser...and my face looks thinner.
mj said…
Not bad at all! I have a scrawny build and no chest so I'm just barely above "underweight" for 5'4" but I am not that far from you. That is totally and quite easily in the healthy range. Good for you.
Unknown said…
Ha, MJ you are small so that makes me feel good. I actually have a small frame, too. I'm just "curvy" so it hides it a bit. Funny thing is I haven't lost the boobs. Seriously, I could handle losing a little boob now.
Steve said…
I'm trying to picture your boobs on MJ! ha It's like bizarro world. I don't think I'd think of you two the same if that were the case. Funny how our appearance shapes how people view us or remember us, not just physically, but as people and personality. Obviously, that is all true and everyone knows it, but it wasn't until the big boobed MJ came into my head did it seem so absurd (in a good way! :) )
Unknown said…
So I went up a pound. Argh! Any tips to keep up momentum?
Unknown said…
Also, no more picturing anyone's boobs on anyone, hehe (nervous laugh).

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