Pimp my backyard

Cant remember what I was going to post about slightseeing...narrowmindedness? dunno.

Anyway, popsicles are the new thing. Went to the store and got popsicles and italian ice. mmmmm. Also, roommate got adult size kiddie pool. fits 10! So with the grill, the fire pit, the dog, the fact that we both ride motor scooters and now the pool...add in b and me kissed and made up...this just has all the makings of a really great summer.


Joy said…
Who is B?
Unknown said…
ya, actually not THAT B. That's B the blogger. B is also my codename for this guy I've been dating and breaking up with for the past 8 months. But ya, that is confusing. I've never met B the blogger in real life (though that'd be cool). B the actual b and me started hanging out again.
Joy said…
Okay. I was also wondering if it was "that dude."
Joy said…
B the blogger is pretty cool though, I bet he'd hang with you. You'd have to ask him if he'd make out with you though. ;)
Unknown said…
He only hangs with people who will make out? This explains a few relationships...
B. said…
Waitaminute, what's going on here?
Unknown said…
You are B (aka "blogger B"). Boy I've been dating on and off for the last 8 or so months also has a name that starts with B. I use that as his codename. Kinda confusing, I know.

But apparently you only meet people you make out with. Which is sorta similar to other B. Odd.
B. said…
I will make out or not make out with anyone that asks. It is not, however, a prerequisite for hanging out with me.

I can understand how one would assume that I make out with everyone all the time. I mean, you have seen this picture of me:

B. said…
Nevermind, stupid link doesn't work.
B. said…
Nevermind, stupid link does work. Behold!
Unknown said…
Oh, I came, I saw, I was disturbed...but in a good way.

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